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Skype in the Classroom

Skype in the classroom has started to reflect changes on how education has transformed to purely technology based with access to knowledge and the shift to social and technological landscape – particularly in the past few years. ‘Skype in the Classroom’ acts as a ‘digital bridge’ to many shores enabling the convenience of global communication, offers a new skills for students and teachers and provides a platform to acquire 21st century skills like collaboration, peer coaching, knowledge building and help them merge the new technology with their learning.


The barriers of the conventional classroom is challenged as students are allowed to learn through collaborating with the experts and students worldwide. Technology has helped the students to communicate and learn about anything and everything through Internet and it breaks the restraints of time, borders and beyond.


Nothing is more inspiring than communicating with other teachers, experts and students across the world! A Virtual classroom of its own kind, thinking out of the box, stretching and providing boundless learning experience to connect, to collaborate, to create and to contribute for new and fun filled experience, I am very eager to bring in more virtual experiences to the students.

There will be more learning in a fun way and it is indispensable to build more Skype sessions and allow this experience to grow naturally into whatever it mellows into.   


Skype had found it's way to my classroom since 2014. The first session i scheduled was with Czech Republic and it was briliant. Till that day, teacher, my management and students had seen Skype as a chatting tool. They didnt realise the worthiness of Skype, the power it had in revolutionizing the classroom. It's all started and till today we have Skype sessions scheduled very often. I have coordinated Skype sessions for Primary and secondary classes and it's more fun way of learning.


 I do Skype sessions because


  • It connects the students to the real world

  • It allow my students to become global learners and thereby participate in experiential learning

  • We collaborate with number of school, mile and miles away from us and it is exciting

  • the concept of learning in a fun way, through interaction is more successful than any other method

  • students need to see and learn - they are curious learners

  • students love to hear from other teachers and they get overly excited

  • Virtual field trips allow them to learn more as they are not able to travel to places due to time constraint

  • connecting beyond the four-walled classroom makes learning exciting as students are eager to compare notes with other school students

  • Above all, the excitement in the eyes of my students allow me to go ahead and do more!




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